Monday, 2 February 2015

Leftovers: 10 Different Ways to Serve Chilli

In the never ending struggle to find something else that my kids will eat, but is healthy for them, I have been experimenting with chilli (don't add them I am adding all types of veggies to the latest batch). It's in my arsenal that my boys both enjoy and is good for them. So, I make a big pot of chilli with the intention of there being lots of leftovers - some to freeze, but also some to eat for a few days. Here's one of many nice recipes for healthy chilli that can be tweaked for your family's tastes: Rainbow Chilli. I add meat, too - beef, pork, or chicken.

So, I figured out 10 different ways to serve chili to change it up and keep the leftovers "new":
  1. Chilli served topped with chopped avocado and greek yogurt
  2. Chilli hotdogs
  3. Chilli burritos 
  4. chilli served in a bread bowl
  5. chilli tacos
  6. chilli spaghetti
  7. chilli sloppy joes
  8. chili served over nacho chips
  9. chilli burger
  10. chilli poutine
What is poutine you may ask? Fries served with this yummy gravy and cheese curds developed in Quebec. But, it has evolved into a kaleidoscope of poutine. Check out 38 poutine dishes that will knock your Canadian socks off!

Anymore ideas for leftover chili?

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